Digital Marketing SEO

What Is Content Marketing?

235,250 – that’s how many pages views a 1-million-subscriber YouTuber Lavendaire got on her website in January 2021. By executing and delivering the right content marketing, that amount of traffic may not be as impossible as you might think.

This article will uncover what content marketing is and how you can use it to increase traffic on your website.

What Is Content Marketing?

Content marketing, according to the top content marketing agency in singapore, is a marketing approach consisting of planning, creating, and publishing content. It aims to improve reach, engagement, sales, and even audience loyalty. There are various content marketing types, such as:

  • Social media posts
  • Blog posts
  • eBooks
  • Emails
  • White papers
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Webinars(Live or pre-recorded)

The ten strategies below will help you gain significant traffic to your website without using paid ads.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

This step helps you figure out who are the people most likely to be interested in your content, and how to attract them, so you can discover keywords they are looking for and problems they need to solve.

Use these tools to understand your audience:

    • Answer The Public. Is a keyword research tool visualizing a topic with mind maps. It helps you find related keywords people mostly use on a certain topic. For example, if you type “fashion,” it will provide related keywords like “how fashion shapes identity” and “fashion for over 50”.
      content marketing


  • Google Analytics. If you already own a website, integrate it with this tool to monitor your website traffic. In the Audience section, you can see your audience’s demographics, behavior, and interests.
  • Social media analytics. It can be Twitter Analytics, Instagram Insights, or any tool on your respective platform. Here you’ll be able to see a lot of essential information about your audience.
    content marketing

2. Plan a Content Strategy

“When you make an SEO content strategy, refer back to your business goals and think about how content can help you achieve them. There are several areas in planning content strategy, like content for customer support and sales enablement definition. Read the sales enablement definition to learn more about how sales and content must work together to close leads and win.

To drive traffic to your website, focus on a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. This area aims for more organic traffic and leads.

Understand search intent, the audience’s intention when they type a particular keyword. Also, build topic clusters, collections of some articles in your blog under a similar topic.

3. Create a Website

You can hire a web developer or make a website yourself with a website builder. There are website builders that allow you to create a website without the coding skills required.

Here are four tips to have a seamless process of building one:

  • Plan the website pages, like the Homepage, About Us, and Blog.
  • Gather inspiration from other websites for the design and layout.
  • Use an artificial intelligence heatmap to predict audience behaviour when browsing your website.
  • Preview the result and make sure traffic from different devices can access it well.

4. Post List and How-To Articles

Content keeps your audience informed and attracts new visitors. To begin with, create the list and how-to articles. These types of content are evergreen and valuable.

Generally, a list article’s headline starts with numbers and is clear to let people know what to expect, for example, “10 Healthiest Foods for Breakfast”. You can also interview the experts in the industry and list their tips or advice.

Meanwhile, how-to articles walk the audience through the steps to solve their problems, for instance, “How to Make Pancake for Breakfast.”

5. Leverage Email Marketing

Email is an effective way to promote your content and drive traffic. Compared to social media engagement, email’s open rate and click-through rate are higher. Email marketing increases the possibility of receivers clicking your content on the website.

Entice your audience’s curiosity with creative and friendly subject lines. Keep it short with less than 30 characters. Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action (CTA) button with action words that leads them to your site.
content marketing

6. Improve SEO

The first organic result on Google gets over a 25 percent click-through rate, so the higher your website ranks, the more website traffic you acquire.

Obtain high ranking with SEO as it lets search engines discover your site through relevant keywords. Research the keywords and consider these two metrics:

  • Search volume. Refers to the average number of monthly searches.
  • Keyword difficulty. Estimates whether a term is easy or hard to appear on the first page. You can use Semrush Keyword Research Tool or Ahrefs Keywords Explorer.

Getting a higher ranking doesn’t stop with researching keywords. You also need to understand the complete SEO process. It includes organizing site hierarchy, building external links, and making your site mobile-friendly.

7. Repurpose Popular Blog Posts

Repurposing content is the method of transforming existing content into other types of content. Let’s see what kind of content to repurpose your popular blog posts.

  • Social media posts: Design the highlighted quotes or statistics on your blog or create a microblog on social media.
  • Insert the post into your newsletter.
  • Can be a visual representation of the blog post.
  • Podcasts and videos:Turn the written content into audio or video content.

8. Upload Consistently

content marketing

Imagine you create one blog post and get five views. More posts then will multiply the number. However, do it consistently by setting a schedule. Don’t post as many as you can in one week, then stop and upload again next year.

Set a schedule that works for you, such as once a week or every other week, and stick to it. It helps the audience know when they can visit your website to consume the content.

9. Write Guest Posts

Guest post is content that you write for another website. It can attract traffic back as other website audiences know you and might be interested in your content.

Guest posts also help you boost your domain authority through external links, which is an important SEO element.

10. Analyze and Tweak Marketing Activities

Without analyzing your content marketing strategies, you won’t know which platform or content drives more traffic. Measure your approach with these metrics:

  • Web traffic. Figure out how much traffic for each piece of content and where they come from (social media, search engine, or directly type your website).
  • SEO success. See your domain authority using a DA PA checker tool and whether your content ranks well for the target keywords.

After analyzing, tweak your marketing efforts by stepping up your visuals or maximizing social media and email.


The ten content marketing strategies above can increase your website traffic, but keep in mind that the result won’t be instant. Be consistent with your marketing efforts.