
Tips And Tricks To Redesign Your Website

Your website is one thing that needs to be constantly revamped and redesigned.

Website design has an ever-expanding learning curve. There is always something to change and improve.

Suppose you take a look at a few of the most prominent online brands right now. Check out their websites.

Amazon, Facebook,, you name it. They’re continually changing something in their look with different images, content positioning, buttons..always keeping it fresh.

Why? You ask. These companies are already a success. Why are they changing all the time?

Well, the answer is both simple and it’s one of success’ best-hidden secrets. And we’re going to share it with you.

Are you ready?

These companies are not in business to beat their competition.

They are in business to stay in business!

They understand the power of legacy.

How do you do this?

Today we are going to share with you seven great tips and tricks to redesign your website. We want you to not just beat your competition, but help you build your legacy.

7 Great Tips and Tricks To Redesign Your Website

  1. Improve your site’s speed

There are very few things more annoying than trying to browse a slow-loading page. There are even fewer things that will drive away your visitors faster.

In fact, statistics show that the more time it takes to load your page, the higher your bounce rate. Bounce rate is the percentage of people who steer away from your website after viewing only one page. People will leave your website faster than you can say “wait” if they find it annoyingly slow.

  1. Focus on SEO

One of the most important things to consider while redesigning your website is SEO. If you’re a business or a non-profit organization, SEO website design for nonprofits will help you stand out and be found on the internet.

Because it doesn’t really matter how good your website looks if no one can find it. Good SEO gives you a top ranking on Google searches. What SEO does is allow you to be everywhere they look.

This gives you credibility; it gives you a look at popularity and success. Visitors will be encouraged to land on your site before they land on others. This, in turn, drives more traffic to your site. And this is how you build your legacy.

  1. Find and Fix 404s

The whole purpose of redesigning your website is to keep getting better and better. And where best to start than where you are failing.

404 errors indicate that the server cannot find the requested source of the website. Links that lead to a 404 page are either dead or broken links and do not lead visitors anywhere. Naturally, this can be very annoying for the user.

Therefore, it is imperative to be constantly on the lookout for these dead or broken links and fix them.

  1. Make the navigation menu prominent

Your navigation menu is usually the first go-to point for a visitor to your website. Therefore, it would be wise to pay attention to revamping this area.

This is where you either lose them or keep them for good. First of all, your navigation menu cannit look boring. It needs to be colorful with dynamic graphics.

And at the same time, it needs to be direct, brief, and descriptive. This is something you can keep revising according to your users’ responses. Your visitors need to be able to find what they are looking for without a hassle.

  1. Make your buttons stand out

Whenever I visit a website, one of the first things I notice is the buttons: their color, their shape, their size, etc.

And not because I go looking around for these things, but because they stick out–or they don’t. This is another area that you can constantly redesign and improve.

Google, for example, always makes seasonal adjustments to their buttons. They’ll give them a Christmas or festive theme to make visitors feel special.

Actually, there are a lot of improvements you can make to your website that will be hardly noticeable. But one thing that will always be noticed is your buttons. Make them stand out.

  1. Include social share buttons

Sometimes redesigning your website doesn’t have to mean huge changes and edits.

Sometimes all it’ll take is a few minimal tweaks that allow your users to do more with your website. These tweaks will go a long way to improve your website. An excellent example of these simple, small tweaks is social share buttons.

If you don’t already have social share buttons on your website, you need to consider making that change. One of the things people like to do when they like something is to share it on their social media. Of all social browsers, 54% of them depend on social media recommendations.

This means there are more people who’ll believe what they read about you on social media than there are those who won’t! This allows visitors on your page to be a part of building your brand and legacy. It makes them feel like they are part of it.

  1.  Make use of calls to action

Call-to-action buttons are an essential piece that you can’t ignore in your website redesign. This is a great way to engage your users and audience. The more involved they are on your website, the more they’ll keep coming.

A good example is Facebook, which is currently the leading social site with over 68% of US adults and over 60% of internet users. What makes Facebook so popular is how much the user is engaged every time they visit the site.

Call-to-action buttons are a great way to get responses from users on what you should change, add, or improve. For example, making use of the comments in the Comments section is a great hack to improve your website.


Redesigning your website is something that should be a continual process. There is always something you can improve and make better. There is no step by step process to do this. It is more of a learning-on-the-job type of situation.