
What is Content Optimization

Content is the king with this saying the most people tend to forget. While it’s true you need to have content for your website, the fact is that you need MORE than just good content.

Online business owners know that content is an essential part of their digital marketing strategy. It can be used for search engine optimization, paid advertising and social media promotion – just to name a few!

“High-quality optimized content”, when it comes down to right inbound links from other sites pointing back at yours makes sure people are finding what they’re looking for which results in more traffic on your website or company blog than if there wasn’t any SEO work done at all.

The literature is clear: optimized content marketing leads to higher conversion rates and more sales. And now, thanks in part because of Google’s algorithm changes which penalize low-quality websites, businesses need digital marketers who can not only create great ads but also optimize them for success online.

With the rise of “link bait” techniques like Schema Markup Language (SML) tags or dynamic QR Codes – both used on this blog post about SEO services — companies are finding innovative ways produce highly tweakable yet effective pieces before uploading them where they belong–in your users’ news feeds!

The fact remains that many people turn away from purchasing products due solely out fear there may be too much competition as you can see here. This is why businesses are using this content marketing optimization guide to help their products stand out from the crowd, which for them is actually a neon ‘buy me’ sign.

What is content optimization?

Content optimization is when you make changes to the content on your website and the coding. This makes it more appealing for search engines and people who search online. Additionally, it helps make your user journey more interesting and engaging.

A website can be more likely to get traffic by following certain steps. One way is to make sure that some pages are not 100% optimized. Google is always making changes to their search engine. To keep up with these changes, we need to update our content.

Content that is search-friendly one day, might not be the next. That is why there are ongoing optimizations built into standard digital marketing operating procedures.

Why to optimize?

Search engine optimization helps people find your content on a search engine. If your content is not good, it will be hard for people to find you even though they’re looking. Content must have a lot of words and be about things that are interesting to other people so they can find you.

In 2018, you need to have SEO on your website. This way, people will know about your site. Only do this with a foot in the door of SERPs (search engine results pages). Then use structured data and technical markup to exist in 2018.

More than 82% of marketers say that SEO is very important for their business. 61% have made SEO a top priority in their marketing.

  • More people will click on organic results than paid ads.
  • SEO brings more people to websites than PPC.
  • More purchases: Consumers are more likely to buy after reading a piece of content than they were before.
  • More leads: Inbound marketing produces 3 times as many leads as outbound.
  • More conversions: Content marketing makes it 6 times more likely that people will convert.
  • When a company updates and optimizes their content, they have more pages that people can find. That means they will have 434% more search-indexed pages.

On-page SEO and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO is when you work on the content inside of your website. You can make changes to your content management system.

Off-page SEO is everything else that influences rank for organic search results outside of the parameters of your site, like link building, social media, and influencer marketing.

On-page SEO

When it comes to boosting your website’s search engine optimization, there are many factors that content managers and strategists take into account. For starters:

The headline should be engaging enough for readers who might not have done much research on the site or product they’re looking at in advance. Great headlines can make all of this information accessible with just one click!

The article itself needs plenty of keywords throughout its text so Google knows what type of material you’re trying to get out there; these tags help people searching online find their way around easily when browsing through various websites.

these are the factors in on-page SEO

  •  Title tags.
  • Meta descriptions.
  •  Alt tags.
  •  URL structures.
  •  Media (images, videos).
  •  H1, H2 and H3 tags.
  •  Internal linking.
  •  Outbound linking.
  •  Mobile-responsiveness.

The first step is optimization – no-brainer SEO techniques like title tags and descriptions. The content or blog posts, in particular, must be optimized for search as well if you want those web pages to show up higher on Google when people do searches.

Optimizing older posts, rather than creating new ones can have an enormous impact on organic rankings and search presence. Brafton is a perfect example of this methodology with their blog being one that has seen success stories in the past for this very reason!

Content optimization – Where to start and what to do

When optimizing content, you should optimize the entire page for a single keyword. This means using an optimized title and meta description so that search engines can better understand what your site is all about through its indexing process!

Luckily, there are some easy ways to make your page more relevant. For starters: keyword research and targeting will be crucial for any SEO efforts you put forth; use keywords in the title (or meta tags) & subheadings of each article/post on your blog so that search engines know exactly what it is about–and don’t skip these important details when thinking through content strategy!

pages for improvement

You can start with Google Search Console and Moz Keyword Explorer to see which pages on your website are about to rank for a given keyword.
A small, incremental push can really make a world of difference.

A quick way to see tangible ranking improvements is by focusing on pages that are already performing reasonably well and just need the smallest nudge in order for them to become top-performing; this could be anything from optimizing tags or titles using keywords as Google views these areas most important when deciding where local business information should appear first during search results searches.

For example, say you are currently ranked 12 for “content strategy consulting.” That means that if you rank 2 more positions, people will see your website on the first page. 90% of all clicks happen there.

If your entry is marked up correctly and has good keywords, then you need to update the depth of your content. We call that “content depth.

additional on-page elements

When writing the text, you may want to add images and social media to make it more interesting. You can also break up the text with subheadings for easier reading.

A good way to optimize a page in an online store is by including custom imagery, social media buttons and CTAs. One thing you can do is include the appropriate subheadings on your copy so people will be able to consume all of that text easier as well embedding relevant photos or tweets into posts for context if there are any available through Instagram etc.

this helps break up long blocks without having them get lost among other things like prices which could confuse someone who doesn’t know what they’re looking at while scrolling down pages quickly!

The beauty of this strategy is that you don’t have to go through the trouble and extra work each time a post gets updated. Simply open up an old article inside your content management system (CMS), make some direct changes, then republish – voila!

You can use image captions and alt text to boost your SEO rankings by including keywords in images. These elements are often overlooked, but they’re a great way of adding extra value for users with targeted searches on Google Image Search!

There are a number of ways that you can optimize your posts as they go down the line. Ultimately, every post is an opportunity for success and so it’s important not just to focus on one or two at once but rather encompass all future opportunities as well in order to make sure nothing goes wasted!

Every piece of content you create holds inherent value. After all, it took time and resources to produce in the first place! As such your job isn’t done until that valuable information is seen by as many people as possible – which means revisiting past work with an eye toward optimizing for search engines or tracking performance metrics so they can be improved upon going forward.

Tools used for Website content optimization

  • Ahrefs.
  • Moz.
  • SEMrush.
  • Searchmetrics.
  • Raven Tools.
  • Yoast SEO.
  • Optimizely.

We use these tools to quickly identify areas that need improvement, the data needed for actionable takeaways and how we stack up against other companies in our industry.

Content ranking factors

SEO tools can help you write the perfect post for your target keyword, but they are not a substitute for doing any actual updating. Writing for search engines is a balancing act.

You want your content to be as keyword-rich and interesting, but staying true to the core ranking factors that these algorithms use can make or break you!

The Google ranking factors that matter most in 2018 are right here. This great infographic will show you where your website stands and what needs improvement, so read on!

You can start to see your site climbing up the search rankings with a little effort. The key is consistency and having an optimized mobile-friendly website that doesn’t have any inhibitive site errors like duplicate content!

What does optimized content look like ?

The results are in and you just can’t wait to see what impact your efforts have had. How did people respond? Did their searches for products increase or decrease after optimization of the page!

What now, though… You need something more than an initial glance at optimizing content to guarantee success on pages like these, so here we go again.

Do you want to see what your new SERP position is? If so, run a Fetch as Google and have the search engine reindex that post for you within seconds. You can also use an incognito window just in case bias clouds results!

As long as everything about this process has been diligent enough up until now then there should be no problem with how efficiently it goes or any negative impacts on-site traffic due to their workloads being overtaken by other sites’ contents which are able to rank higher than them without having done anything especially hard at all (like following our content gap analysis).

According to our experience, it’s possible after republishing a post on social media sites such as Facebook and Google+, users can jump dozens of positions in the search engine rankings within seconds.

The algorithms work fast! The only thing that matters when optimizing your website is the position on SERP. Up means you are doing well, but down? Well, it’s nearly impossible to get out of there!

But looking further into what it means to rank higher shows that there are tangible benefits of successfully optimizing your website content, which was outlined above (e.g., more clicks and conversions). You can measure click-through rate in Google Analytics for a better sense if those higher SERP positions actually pay off too!

Once you have a good amount of content that is ranking well, then it’s time for conversion rate optimization. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) will help identify where people are on your site and which links they should click to progress further down the sales funnel with an offer in their hand!

Why go through the trouble of creating a beautiful logo, website design and branding when you can just optimize your content to be as attractive as possible? A good end-to-end strategy will increase visitor engagement which in turn boosts conversions.

In order to increase your ranking on search engines, you should use social media and email promotions. By distributing optimized content across several channels (including demographics), indirectly ups the likelihood that people will find what they are looking for at one of those websites or blogs in their social feeds.